The main axis of her research is the movement and action in the process of transformation of spaces, adaptability, simultaneity of possibilities and mutability. This exploration has been materialized through experimentation with ephemeral spaces, especially in the category of scenic spaces.
She has been collaborating with the LaMAE Foundation (Memory for the Performing Arts) since 2016 as a designer, researcher, project manager and workshop leader. She was a facilitator of the first laboratory of scenography and design for the performing arts in the country and the region (LABMAE).
In addition, in 2019, as core member of LaMAE is invited by the organization of the Quadrennial of Scenic Design in Prague (PQ19), to represent the country in the most important event worldwide in scenic design. This representation receives the declaration of cultural interest and the Esencial Costa Rica seal. At the PQ, LaMAE exhibits several projects, among them, Hipótesis Escenográfica de un Territorio Verde, within the exhibition of Countries and Regions.
She was awarded in 2012 and 2020 with the National Culture Award of the Ministry of Culture of Costa Rica, in the area of Theater and in the category Best Scenography.
In 2023 she was invited to participate as a moderator and speaker in the PQTalks during the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ23).